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Dal 08/10/2022 al 27/11/2022

Mostra personale di Lorenzo Scarpellini

Sede:  MonoGAO21
A cura di: Gioele Melandri
Opening: 8th october at 7pm
Opening hours:  From Friday to Sunday 6 pm - 9 pm
Admission: free

Lorenzo Scarpellini's solo exhibition aims at developing an investigation of the city of Ravenna, analyzed and here returned with a scientific eye. The display, organized in collaboration with the monoGAO21 gallery, wants to move away from a conventional layout path. monoGAO21 becomes an "audio-visual" stage in which to re-present the world through the world itself, in a process of unraveling one of the multiple identities of reality. A stale environment that smells of the time that has passed and is slowly flowing. An environment in which only the most suitable animal species, resulting from a mosaic-apocalyptic evolution, have survived, while the human being can only be a mere visitor.


MonoGAO21 - Viale G. Alberoni, 5
331 5006266

» MonoGAO21