Photo Gallery

Walking guided tours through the exhibitions of the Mosaic Biennale

Menu di livello

Dal 28/10/2017 al 25/11/2017


- Meeting at 9,50 am at EmmeDi Laboratory in Salara 33
- Visit to the exhibition "My Love" and "Michele says"
- exhibitions within the Classense Library (G.A.E.M., Fabulae, The White Meal)
- Valeria Ercolani's "Sculptures De-Formi" exhibition and "Mosaic carpets" 10 years of "Suzanne Spahi" activity at Valeria Ercolani Spazio S mosaic
- "Immersion that asSale", mosaic installations by Enzo Tinarelli at the Basilica of San Francesco
- Space Invader installations in the streets of the city
- we will end with the exhibition "The Vision of the Invisible" by Sergio Policicchio at Vibra Contemporary Space of Ideas (via Fantuzzi 8)

- Metting at 9.50 in front of the entrance to the complex of San Vitale and Galla Placidia
- Visit to National Museum exhibitions (Felice Nittolo's personality, Matylda Tracewska, Clément Mitéran and exhibition "Sculpture and mosaic, Sculpture color")
- Visit to the site-specific sculpture of Marco De Luca inside the Baptistery of the Arians where we will also dwell on the ancient mosaic
- shows "Works of the World" in the Franciscan Cloisters where we will finish the tour.

- Meeting at 9,50 o'clock at the Franciscan Cloisters
- visit the exhibition "Works from the World" within the Cloisters
- shows "The Vision of the Invisible" by Sergio Policicchio at Vibra Contemporary Space of Ideas
- Space Invader installations
- Exhibition "SICIS Destination MicroMosaic. Discovering a world so immensely as immensely small" at Palazzo Rasponi dalla Teste
- shows "Silvia Naddeo, Silvia Naddeo" at NiArt Gallery where we will finish the tour.

-Meeting at 10.00 am at the ticket office of the Mar (Ravenna Museum of Art, Via di Roma 13) for a full immersion of the Museum with a visit to the exhibition "MONTEZUMA FONTANA MIRKO", mosaics of Quadriportico and to a selection of contemporary artworks of the Pinacoteca.
(Cost of entrance to the museum: 6 euros, 5 euros reduced, 4 euro students)

Cost of guided tours:
9€  (5 €children up to 14 years, free up to 6).
For those who participate in more than one tour will pay the first 9€ while the second 7 €
All entrances to the exhibitions are free except for the City Art Museum (see Route 25 November).
INFO and RESERVATIONS: 3395907862, 3393000103


3395907862, 3393000103