Photo Gallery


Menu di livello

Dal 08/10/2017 al 29/10/2017

mosaico femminile in tre luoghi


Barbara Liverani Studio - Ravenna, Via G. Rossi 21/a

opening hours: 9am- 12.30pm /3.30pm-7.30pm closed: Thursday afternoons and Sundays

admission price: free

info: tel. 0544 215162

The idea for this exhibition originated from a reflection on the female figure, from the passion for Japan and for its fabrics. In the nearby Botteghina workshop sartorial projects like the small kimonos of mosaic meet with the Romagna kimonos of Ninzdrì, and at Leonardi Dolciumi they poise in the fragrance of Japanese chocolate.


Barbara Liverani Studio - Via Girolamo Rossi, 21/a
0544 215162

» Barbara Liverani Studio