8th October 2017 to 26th November 2017
Museo Nazionale di Ravenna – Ravenna, Via San Vitale 17
opening hours: Tuesdays and from Thursdays to Sundays 8.30am to 7.30pm - Wednesdays 8.30am to 1.30pm - Mondays closed
admission price: full €6 | reduced €3 (included in the admission ticket of the National Museum)
info: tel. 0544 543724; www.polomusealeemiliaromagna.beniculturali.it
curated by Laura Gavioli and Marco Santi
The exhibition of twenty-two sculptures by contemporary artists (like Nicola Samorì, Athos Ongaro, Giuseppe Tirelli and Sergio Zann) and clad in mosaic by Gruppo Mosaicisti di Marco Santi, has the purpose of analysing the co-existence of diverse artistic languages, sculpture, painting and mosaic.