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Ancient Mosaic, Contemporary Mosaic

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Il 24/10/2015

Location: Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste
Organized by: Department for Tourism and Culture of the City of Ravenna
Dates: Saturday, 24 October | from 10am to 6pm


Ancient Mosaic, Contemporary Mosaic. Preservation, promotion and improvement. Comparing reflections and experiences from Ravenna, Turkey and Russia.

International Conference within the 4th edition of RavennaMosaico – International Contemporary Mosaic Festival. Supported by the European Project EX.PO AUS, Extension of Potentiality of Adriatic UNESCO Sites, and financed by Regione Emilia-Romagna.

The 4th edition of RavennaMosaico, International Contemporary Mosaic Festival, hosts a conference, which is precisely focused on the art of mosaic, from its most ancient to its contemporary and avant-guarde expressions.
Starting from the unvaluable relevance of the Institutions and the Academies in the teaching and diffusion of the mosaic art, the conference aims to disclose the archeological heritage of Turkey and of the city of Ravenna and the contaminations between classical and Byzantine art, with particular attention to issues such as conservation, valorisation and promotion. A final section of the conference will examine the public function of art, of private patronage and of the most recent applications of mosaic in street art and digital art.

During the conference the winners of the International Prize GAeM – “Young Artists and Mosaic”: Orsoni Prize and RavennaMosaico Prize will be awarded.

Welcome greetings • 10am
Ouidad Bakkalicouncillor for Culture, Comune di Ravenna
Elsa Signorino, president of Fondazione RavennAntica 
Sedat Öztopbaş, Archaeological Museums of Istanbul, Turkey
Maria Grazia Marini, director of Mar Art Museum of the city of Ravenna 

Announcement of the winners of Premio Internazionale GAeM - “Young Artists and Mosaic”: Orsoni Prize and RavennaMosaico Prize

FIRST SECTION: Institutions and Academies • 10.30pm
Coordinator Maria Grazia Marini, director of Mar Art Museum of the city of Ravenna 

Ravenna's superintendence and the mosaic art
Emilio Roberto Agostinelli, Superintendence of Fine Arts and Landscapes for the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini, professor at Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura in Cesena

What is a mosaic
Luciana Notturnimosaicist, professor at the School of Fine Arts in Ravenna

Repin Academy, from a glorious tradition to the challenge of a new international development
Semyon Mikhaylovsky, dean of Repin's Institute for Arts and Architecture, commissioner of the russian pavillion at Venice Biennale of Architecture, member of the Commitee for Arts and Culture of the Russian President

Mosaic art in Ravenna: Conservation and restoration of decorated surfaces. Presentation of the proceedings of the international conference hosted in Ravenna
Linda Kniffitzcurator of Contemporary Mosaic Collection, Responsible at the International Centre of Documentation on Mosaic, Mar Art Museum of the city of Ravenna

PAUSE • 1pm 

SECOND SECTION: Ravenna and Byzantium  2.30pm
Coordinator Paolo Bolzaniarchitect, professor at University of Bologna, Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali

The Aegean seen from the Adriatic: the problematic historical relationship between Ravenna, Thessaloniki and Costantinople between 5th and 8th century
Alessandro Taddeiprofessor at University of Bologna – Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali - Polo di Ravenna, Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali

Zeugma on the Euphrates: Recent Discoveries
Kutalmis Görkayprofessor at University of Ankara (Turkey) and director of the archaeological project Zeugma

Roman and Byzantine mosaics in Iasos, city of Caria
Fede Bertiarchaeologist, already director of Ferrara Archaeological Museum

THIRD SECTION: Public Art and Mosaic
Coordinator Linda Kniffitzcurator of Contemporary Mosaic Collection, Responsible at the International Centre of Documentation on Mosaic, Mar Art Museum of the city of Ravenna

Il mosaico dell'onda. The entrance of the future archaeological museum of Classe
Paolo Racagniscientific consultant of Fondazione RavennAntica

Contemporary mosaic in Russia, tradition, challenge, experiences
Anna MapolisFoundation Ismail Akhmetov Art Director and Musivum Gallery Art Director

Contemporary mosaic scene. To Invader and beyond
Daniele Torcellinipresident of Marte Associazione Culturale, professor at the School of Fine Arts of Ravenna and Genoa, collaborator of International Centre of Documentation on Mosaic, Mar Art Museum of the city of Ravenna

From ancient mosaic to electronic mosaic
Renato Barilliart and literary critic


Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste - via Luca Longhi, 9
(+39) 0544.35404
(+39) 0544.482670