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Presentation of mosaic exhibitors for the Provincial Mosaic System

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Il 21/10/2011

Sede: Sala Nullo Baldini - Palazzo della Provincia [Ingresso Via Guaccimanni, 10]

A cura di: Provincia di Ravenna; Accademia di Belle Arti della città di Ravenna

Inaugurazione: 21 ottobre


Presentation to the public of two mosaic totems produced by the second year pupils of the two-year mosaic specialisation course at the Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna, coordinated by Prof. Dusciana Bravura, as part of the improvement project for the museums of the province promoted by the provincial administration of Ravenna.

The two totems will enrich the permanent "Ravenna Bella Dentro" art collection. One will be exhibited in the lobby of the Provincial Government Building and the other in Palazzo Grossi, office of the Provincial Department of Culture.A well-chosen cooperation between the Province of Ravenna and the Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna has led to the production of totems in mosaic which will be presented to the public on 21 October 2011 at 5,00pm in the Nullo Baldini Room of the provincial residence (via Guaccimanni, 10), in the ambit of the second "RavennaMosaico" festival promoted by the Municipality of Ravenna.
As pointed out by the Provincial Councillor for Culture, Paolo Valenti: "The mosaic totems were produced in the ambit of a wider improvement project - entirely financed by the Province of Ravenna - thanks to which since the summer of 2011 the museums belonging to the Provincial Mosaic System have a display totem in Corten weathering steel specially conceived to promote the cultural heritage of the province. It is precisely to provide an incentive to raise awareness of our history and heritage and with it the search for cultural identity which belongs to us, that the Province has requested the cooperation of the Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna to produce these two totems entirely in mosaic".
The production project of the totems was led by Prof. Dusciana Bravura, teacher of mosaic, with the pupils of the second year mosaic specialisation course. New research on mosaic techniques and their specific nature has thus been stimulated, starting with the structural studies of the exhibiter and the formulation of various sketches by the pupils, followed by the selection of two of them by a special committee and finally their actual production. The totems are therefore the work of a creative team which has used a practice and style consistent with the great tradition of late antiquity and Byzantium and in this regard the mosaic work is the result of an integration of abilities and expertise. At the same time they are an example of the great liberty and experimentation that distinguishes contemporary mosaics today and for which the Academy is now a fertile workshop. The final result is highly coloured and attractive thanks to the expert use of materials, colours and flow in the arrangement of the mosaic tiles. The pupils who produced these totems with great commitment are Raffaella Ceccarossi, Francesca Innocenti, Erica Perugia, plus Angela Nicole Rossi, Rita Gorini, Marisa Monaco, Naghmeh Farahvash Fashandi and Andrea Sala.
After the presentation in the "RavennaMosaico" festival the two mosaic totems will be exhibited to the public. One will be exhibited in the lobby of the Provincial Government Building, where an information desk of the Provincial Mosaic System is located, and the other in Palazzo Grossi, office of the Provincial Department of Culture, and thus becoming part of the "Ravenna Bella Dentro" permanent collection on display here. Those present at the presentation will include the Provincial Councillor Paolo Valenti, director of the Culture Section of the Province, the architect Gabriele Gardini, the coordinator of the fine Arts Academy Prof. Maria Rita Bentini and the mosaic teacher Prof. Dusciana Bravura.


Via Guaccimanni, 10