Photo Gallery

Tribute to Ines Morigi Berti

Menu di livello

Dal 03/11/2011 al 02/12/2011

Location: Showcase of the Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna - Piazza del Popolo
Curator: Linea Rosa
Inauguration: 2 November
Period: 3 November - 2 December 2011


The LINEA ROSA Onlus association received 23 drawings as a donation from the mosaicist of Ravenna Ines Morigi Berti. These works will be exhibited in the month of November in the showcases of Branch 1 of the Cassa di Risparmio in Piazza del Popolo - Ravenna, thanks to the cooperation of the MAR - City Art Museum of Ravenna and the CIDM.

One of the works worth highlighting is the mosaic entitled "I combattenti per la fede" kindly loaned for the occasion by the director of the MAR Prof. Claudio Spadoni.

All the works will be auctioned later as part of a public event that the Linea Rosa Association will organise by December 2011 in cooperation with Ravenna Festival. The proceeds of the sales will be donated to charity as follows:

- 50% to the LINEA ROSA Onlus Association
- 50% to the AMANI Onlus Ong Association of Milan, for the Kivuli Shelter Centre of Nairobi.


Piazza del Popolo, 1