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Solo Mosaico

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Il 12/10/2009

Presentation of the magazine

Location: Sala d'Attorre via Ponte Marino 2
Date: 12 October 2009

"SOLOMOSAICO", the magazine devoted specifically to mosaic art, created by the Russian businessman and patron Ismail Akhmetov, will present the English edition of number 2009, on Monday 12 October 2009 at 6 pm in the Sala D'attorre of Casa Melandri.
The magazine, with the subtitle "History, the Contemporary, Technology" contains contributions from art critics, editors and experts in mosaic art, artists and teachers in the sector. Great attention and care is given to the quality of the photographs which fill the publication." SOLOMOSAICO " is intended as a magazine to be collected and is aimed at an international public interested in mosaic art and is also intended as a vehicle for renewed interest in mosaics throughout the world.
Published in Russian and English, the magazine explores the potential of an art capable of offering important information about the past and provides an opportunity for study and a wide range of contemporary art. The articles are divided according to the topic the respective authors have focussed their attention: the section SPOTLIGHT presents an article by Tonino Guerra, poet and eminent cultural figure, which gives us a taste of oriental art which has fascinated and inspired him so much; for contemporary art Michele Tosi, author of the book published by Mondadori, Mosaico Contemporaneo, (Contemporary Mosaics) which brings us the "listening" to mosaics of Marco DeLuca; and Nall Hollis, an artist from the United States who had Salvador Dalì as his mentor, Giulio Candussio, art director of Trend, Alexander Kornoukhov, Lucio Orsoni, the Perdomo family in Mexico. The historic aspect is represented by an interesting contribution by Mohamed Salem, who explores the use of mosaics in Islamic architecture. An excursus on the mosaic schools in Ravenna examines the educational activities of the city. Every issue gives ample space to the relationship between mosaics and childhood: the editor Violeta Vasilchina presents the school of Burgas, in Bulgaria, whose founder and 'soul', Raina Racheva, accompanies the children in a voyage of discovery of mosaics. The section on conferences, exhibitions and news completes the range of features offered.
The content of this new issue therefore reflects the extensive range of the subject and the complexity of the world of mosaic art.
"SOLOMOSAICO" hopes to do justice, with increasing satisfaction of the readers, to the breadth and variety of mosaic art, thus helping to disseminate knowledge about mosaics in the world.
SoloMosaico can be consulted online at the site, and is distributed by Longo publishers.


Via Ponte Marino, 2