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Dal 22/10/2009 al 24/10/2009

International Conference: Conservation and restoration of Ancient and Contemporary Mosaics

Location: Palazzo dei Congressi, Largo Firenze
Period: 22 - 24 October 2009
Organised by:Fondazione RavennAntica, CIDM, Mar - City Art Museum of Ravenna, Department of History and Methods for the Conservation of Cultural Assets Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

The conference deals with various subjects concerning the conservation of mosaics. Some of the most important:

> materials and methods of operation: from tradition to innovation and research;
> conservation in situ;
> promotion and utilisation.

Round tables on the subjects of conservation and restoration of ancient, modern and contemporary mosaics and the training of mosaic restorers complete the picture of the scientific activities of the conference.


Largo Firenze, 1