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Mosaic Cartoons

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Il 14/11/2009

Research project for the cataloguing, restoration, conservation and valorisation of mosaic cartoons Press conference presenting

Location: National Museum of Ravenna, refectory room
Date: 14 November 2009

Introduction of the research project about the valorisation of the mosaic cartoons, the basis for the execution of mosaic restoration,  which not only bear witness to the artistic heritage of Ravenna but also matters connected with the techniques.

Organised by: The "Scuola Superiore di Studi sulla Città e il Territorio" with the Department of History and Methods for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage; the Interdepartmental Research Centre of Environmental Sciences; the Micro-chemical and Microscopy Diagnostic Laboratory of Bologna University; Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna; International Mosaic Documentation Centre, Ravenna City Art Museum; Provincial Professional Training Centre; "Gino Severini" Ravenna State Mosaic Institute, Ravenna; RavennAntica; Fondazione Parco Archeologico di Classe; Superintendency for Architectural Heritage and Landscape for the provinces of Ravenna, Ferrara, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini.

Some years ago the "Gino Severini" State Mosaic Institute, in cooperation with Bologna University started the work of cataloguing the "cartoons", valuable drawings in its possession, produced in the past as the basis for the execution of mosaic restoration and still used today for teaching purposes. This first phase lead to the opportunity to set up a broad research project: identification and quantification of the heritage to start the restoration and conservation of these works which are important from both the documentary and artistic viewpoint. The final objective of the project is the valorisation of the mosaic cartoons which not only bear witness to the artistic heritage of Ravenna but also matters connected with the techniques and materials used in production of the originals and the restorations carried out over the years and also the copies produced in the nineteen fifties with salvaged mosaic tesseras and very rare colours. These copies, which are now touring the world to promote Ravenna and its treasures, could in the future be used alongside or substituted by the mosaic cartoons since they are original works that can be transported more easily.

The research project, started with the archives of the Institute of Art, will then be extended to all the collections of cartoons that belong to other public institutes and private owners such as: the Fine Arts Academy, the International Mosaic Documentation Centre, the city Art Museum of Ravenna, the Department of Archaeology of  Bologna, the Superintendency for Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Ravenna, the 'Cooperativa Mosaicisti', the Provincial Centre for Professional Training of Ravenna and others.


Via Fiandrini, 1