Photo Gallery

Homage to Antonio Rocchi

Menu di livello

Il 13/10/2009

Presentation of the publication

Location: Sala d'Attorre, via Ponte Marino 2
Date: 13 October
By: Felice Nittolo

Dialogues in Light
The publication was produced by the niArt gallery association and edited by Felice Nittolo.
Patronage of the Municipality of Ravenna, the Province of Ravenna, the Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna, the Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna, the "G. Severini" State Art Institute of Ravenna.
72 pages with more than one hundred colour pictures which retrace the main stages in the works and life of Antonio Rocchi. It is full of documentary material that underlines the wide range of activity of the artist in the field of painting, mosaic and teaching.
Texts and material by Alberto Cassani, Giulio Guberti, Ines Morigi Berti, Anna De Lutiis, Giannantonio Mingozzi and Felice Nittolo.


Via Ponte Marino, 2