Photo Gallery

The mosaic materials - Orsoni

Menu di livello

Dal 10/10/2009 al 20/11/2009

Location: MAR - City Art Museum (CIDM rooms) - via di Roma 13
Period: 10 October - 20 November 2009
Organised by: CIDM, MAR - City Art Museum of Ravenna
Opening: 10 October

The exhibition of mosaic materials produced by the famous Orsoni company of Venice, in the rooms of the CIDM (International Mosaic Documentation Centre) on occasion of the First International Festival of Contemporary Mosaics RavennaMosaico, scheduled from 10 October to 20 November 2009, is intended to introduce the public to the tesseras, crucibles and precious materials produced by the Venetian company over the years. On display tesseras, crucibles and precious materials produced by the Venetian company. At the end of the exhibition the materials, donated by the International Mosaic Documentation Centre, will be on permanent display.


Via di Roma, 13