Photo Gallery

I, mosaicist

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Dal 10/10/2009 al 20/11/2009

Personal Exhibition of Filippo Molinari
Location: Galleria Rasponi, via G. Rasponi 5
Period: 10 October - 20 November 2009
Opening: 10 October 2009
A cooperation with Salvatore Sangermano

A photographic project to document the work of young mosaicists of Ravenna.
This is not a catalogue of mosaic works or the artists at work but rather a series of portraits taken in their studios before starting work. The details of objects and shapes which are given emphasis by the composition are like fragments of something larger. The mosaicist becomes the work to be catalogued together with the tools that he or she uses. These young people, perhaps little known, live within the old the centre of Ravenna. Small and large studies of artists, not only of local origin but also from the world: Japan, Poland, Colombia and Brazil.
Filippo Molinari, born in Ravenna in 1979, has produced a number of reportages on the territory of Ravenna published by Danilo Montanari Editore including "Ravenna:Physiology", "Be a someBODY with a BODY", "Io sto sempre in casa" and "I am a musician".


Via G. Rasponi, 5